James. An interesting thought is that if we took the AI you describe that has been trained on all our data, our interactions and how we respond to other people in order to respond in a way that pleases us and said what does that sound like if we apply that to a fellow human being. I think the term manipulative sociopath would be the term that comes to mind. So unless we think about these AI systems in that way are we really athropomorphising them


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sorry anthropomorphising

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This is a really good point, Paul. Hadn't considered that. Either that or a sycophant, at minimum.

This is a tangent but, this re-frame reminded me of how I have sometimes described large, highly bureaucratic and self-contradictory organisations. Such organisations are usually made up of smart and well-intentioned people, but taken as a whole from an outsider perspective, if we came across an individual who behaved as some bureaucratic organisations behave (i.e. entirely dis-integrated, self-defeating and contradictory), we'd consider them in need of some sort of psychological intervention.

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